The Solartech Chronos are out! Discover their advantages.
Ronda technical support and infrastructure in Ticino
Needless to say, the Ronda Time Center is in close contact with the entire Ronda Group. For technical matters, Ronda Head Office can provide professional support at all times. You will benefit without limitations from the know-how of your partners.
We offer our clients a workspace equipped with state-of-the-art communication and measuring tools separate from the watch assembly shop. You are free to use this area at any time to inspect your products in comfort.
A one-stop process saving time and money
Looking for short and simple processes, a single business partner and a chance to lower your costs as well? Then our “one-stop” service approach is just what you need.
If you decide to fit Ronda movements in your watches, Ronda Time Center will procure the necessary movements. You will not incur any additional costs for the ordering process or warehousing for movements. And of course any replacements or exchanges required will be organized on-site, thus eliminating any surplus movements.
There’s a further benefit to you here, too: you’ll be keeping your money longer, as we’ll only invoice you for the movements required when we deliver the finished products. – We assemble also watches with movements of other manufacturers.
Just tell us your requirements - together we'll find the best solution.